Default button background in OS X

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Mon Jul 28 08:04:00 EDT 2003

--- Richard Tamesis <rtamesis at> wrote:
> I don't know if this is a bug or not. I'm using
> Revolution 2.0.2 under 
> OS X. I imported a colored image to use as a
> background for my stack, 
> whose fill color is white. When I add a button, the
> white fill of the 
> stack shows up around the button rather than the
> image if I set the 
> button as a default button. If I don't set it as a
> default button, then 
> this doesn't occur. How can I prevent this from
> happening if I set it 
> as the default button?

Hi Richard,

If my memory serves me well (and sometimes I ought to
fire the lazy bastard) this is a known problem, and on
the fix-list for Revolution 2.1
In the meantime, stick with the standard white or
striped background -- Revolution will give it the
right one, depending on the stack style :
- palette/modal/modeless gets stripes
- toplevel is white, unless you set the
backgroundPattern of the stack to false [*]

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

[*] this is because in the Aqua-HIG, documents have a
white background, and Revolution assumes that a
topLevel stack is a document, not a palette or a
dialog box.

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