Tile based engine [was: Tiny images, mega headache]

Malte Brill malte.brill at t-online.de
Sun Jul 27 05:30:00 EDT 2003

Hi David and all,

I am really interested in this topic. :-)
If you happen to create something you wish to share, please keep me posted.

I´d like to create a tile based engine and believe it is possible in rev (at
last for non isometric tiles)

What I would like to do (I hope you dont mind my pseydo coding):

Import a huge image
create an array [row of block,collumn of block,ID of image]

Analyze the imagedata in 8*8 (16*16) Pixel blocks

If block is unique
  store it as seperate image
  put its row and column number+the ID of the image into array
  throw it out
  put row and column+the ID of the first identical block into that array
end if

create a group of btns
read out the array
set the icons

I am not very experienced with manipulating the imagedata.

Now how do I turn this into Transscript?
Is there a way for isometric tiles?



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