.rev file association issues

Alex Rice alrice at ARCplanning.com
Fri Jul 25 13:35:02 EDT 2003

On Friday, July 25, 2003, at 12:10  PM, Gary Rathbone wrote:

> My first question is "How to I associate .rev to revolution?"

In the Finder, try this:
Get Info (Command-I), Open With | select App | Change All...

> As there is only a fixed number of three letter file extensions. How 
> does a
> developer, considering cross platform data files for their owns stacks,
> provide or register/'own' a unique or non conflicting filetype.

Mac OS X uses BOTH filename extensions and application creator codes. 
You can search a database here http://tcdb2000.tripod.com/ and for no 
charge you can reserve your own unique creator code at apple.com

Some OS X apps care only about filename extensions (especially Unix-y 
and Cocoa apps are like this), some care only about creator codes 
(legacy Mac apps), and some care about both (a few smart apps)!! It's a 

How to best approach this problem in Runrev I do not know. There are 
some articles in the RR cookbook, and the RevNet plugin, which talk 
about how to do file associations in RR on OS X.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

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