Background color of stack

Yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Thu Jul 24 14:08:32 EDT 2003

Le jeudi, 24 juil 2003, à 19:58 Europe/Brussels, R. Hillen a écrit :

> Hello,
> with RunRev 2.0.1, Mac OSX 10.2.6 :
> whatever backgroundcolor I choose in the stack properties, it becomes 
> white in the standalone-version.
> What shall I do?
> And b.t.w: Does someone using a registered version succeed in getting 
> version 2.0.2?
> How to?
> Thanx in advance
> Richard

Do you add the "image library" in the "inclusion" tab when you build 
your app ?

for the typical Mac  OS X bg, you choose the image library plug in, 
last row, third column.

Vers. 2.0.2 ??? many speak about but never seen....


yvescoppe at

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