unclear on the concept, or major report printing bugs?

Alex Rice alrice at ARCplanning.com
Wed Jul 23 16:38:00 EDT 2003

On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 02:04  PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
> You'll see in that backScript that you can trap the
> 'revChangePage' message in your source stack and
> update the data in a field dynamically with say, the
> content of a field in a database ?
> Hooking up revChangePage with revDBQueryGoToRecord
> sounds like a very interesting plan to me ;-)
Jan, I'm trying to visualize this usage. revPrintBack sends 
revChangePage when it advances from one card to the next. So on your 
report layout stack you would have several cards. The report viewer 
field would be grouped into a background and put on each card. you 
would handle the revChangePage and adjust the scroll of the field with 
long text (or update it's text with a db result). Is this the concept 
you have in mind?

I have attempted to do this, and when I do "revPrintReport" from the 
message box, I get

Message execution error:
Error description: print: card or stack must be open to print it

However, my report layout card with the report viewer object is open 
and selected. What am I missing here?

I feel like the Report Printing stuff in Rev 2.0 is going to be useful 
eventually but it sure is a heck of a challenge figuring out how to use 

It sure would be nice if someone could post a demo of the Report 
Builder / Report View tools onto the User Contributions pages at 

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

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