Help for a non-code newbie!

Chipp Walters chipp at
Mon Jul 21 17:22:01 EDT 2003

> 1. Is there a way to hide multiple objects without a line for each one
> in the handler?  If I have to have a code line for each object and
> there are 8 fields and 8 buttons on each card, the stack gets real big
> real fast.  I've tried
> hide field 1,2,3,etc
> hide fields 1,2,3,etc
> hide field 1-8
> hide fields1-8
> and so far nothing works.  I obviously have no clue about code syntax!

here's an idea...

put "fred,john,stan,jill" into tFldNames
repeat for each item I in tFldName
   hide fld I
end repeat

> 2. Is there a way to build a feature into a stack so that once the
> stack is a standalone and installed from a disk it requires the disk it
> was installed from to be present in the drive in order to continue?
> I don't know whether what I am saying makes sense, I just know that
> lots of reference works that are installed on my machine require that I
> insert the disk they came on in order to use them.  I would like my app
> to do the same.  Is there a stack script that creates a message to the
> user like "Please insert disk "xyz" to continue?"

If you want you can check for a (hidden) file on a specific drive. If it
doesn't exist, you can prompt the user to put the CD in...

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