Magnifier (script!)

Yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Mon Jul 21 02:58:03 EDT 2003

Le lundi, 21 juil 2003, à 06:36 Europe/Brussels, Sannyasin 
Sivakatirswami a écrit :

> does this work for you?  (zooms in 10 pixel increments)
> local tSizeChange
> on mouseup
>   if optionkey()="Down" then
>     put (-10) into tSizeChange
>     changeSize
>     exit mouseup
>   end if
>   put (+10) into tSizeChange
>   changeSize
> end mouseup
> on changeSize
>    put (the height of the target/the width of the target) into tRatio
>     set the width of  the target to (the width of me +tSizeChange)
>     set the height of  the target to (the width of the target * tRatio)
>     set the loc of the target to the mouseloc
>   end changeSize

Hi Sannyasin, Ken and others,

We are very close to a solution but there still remains a problem :

I'd like that the RECT of the target stays at  "30,20,330,220" with the 
zoomed image in that rect.

Can you provide for that ?

Many thanks.


yvescoppe at

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