Disappear script editors

Mark Powell Mark.Powell at veritas.com
Sun Jul 20 23:41:02 EDT 2003

Hi Howard:
Thanks for the sanity check!  It isn't just me!  I will try your suggestion,
but am sure that it will prompt me to finally insist that my management
installed a second monitor for me.  Having a two (or three!) monitor setup
is vital with Director and Photoshop type apps and it is proving to be the
same with Revolution.
Thanks all for the help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Bornstein [mailto:bornstein at designeq.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 8:29 PM

>I switch apps through the task bar and when I return to Revolution, the
>script editor is always hidden behind the stack window.  (The script editor
>window does show in the Revolution Window menu.)   I am not hitting Return
>or Enter or Alt-Tab.  I am on Windows 2000.  It is a two click
>am in the script editor, click on a (say) Note Pad document in the taskbar,
>and immediately click back on the stack button in the taskbar, and the
>script editor is gone.


I just verified that the same thing happens on my Windows 2000 system. 
The script editor isn't really gone but is placed behind the stack.

If you leave the script editor visible somewhere on your screen, you can 
just click in it to get back into Rev with your editor showing, rather 
than using the taskbar to get back to Rev.

That's the way I do it.


Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N  E Q

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