New User Question, OSX, return in field

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Jul 19 22:13:01 EDT 2003

On 7/19/03 5:24 PM, PBSI wrote:

> As a newly licensed user of Revolution (thanks RunRev for the license 
> changes) on OSX, can anyone tell me if there is an easy way to get a 
> field to ignore the return key?  On OSX the return key is supposed to 
> invoke the default button (which I have one of) but it doesn't seem to 
> work in Revolution.

A button whose style is "default" will have the correct appearance, but 
doesn't automatically handle the return key; you have to do that with a 
script, as you found out. You can catch a return key press in a field by 
handling the "returnInField" message. Put a handler like this one into 
the field script:

on returnInField
   send "mouseUp" to btn "myDefault" -- use your own button name
end returnInField

This handler assumes that the default button has its own script that 
does something. The handler will redirect the key press and not allow it 
to put a return character into the field. Of course, if your users are 
expecting to be able to type a return into the field, they will be 
frustrated because this handler will block it.

There is also an "enterInField" message, in case you want to handle the 
Enter key as well.

Welcome to the Revolution.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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