me - the potential buyer (Documentation)

curry curry at
Sat Jul 19 00:08:01 EDT 2003

For helpful snippets, besides the Cookbook, another thing that I 
guess has always been there is the How To--and a lot of these will be 
great for newcomers, and some of these are real gems for people 
already familiar with Rev too.

Today I saw the one for (Development Guide:Text and Data 
Processing:How To:) "How to shuffle the items or lines in a 
container." Have you seen it?

>sort items of myVar numeric by random(the number of items in myVar)

Brilliant! That is really amazing. A real work of art!

It's not exactly for new learners I guess, but that just shows the 
variety. How about this example of the many which are great for 

"How to put text into a field"

>You use the put command to put text into a field. For example, to 
>put the text "Hello World" into a field named "My Field", use a 
>statement like the following (in a handler or in the message box):
>put "Hello World" into field "My Field"
>To put text at the beginning of a field without disturbing the 
>field's contents, use a statement like the following:
>put "text" before field "Field"
>To put the text at the end of the field, use a statement like the following:
>put "text" after field "Field"

Good stuff! So the How To is good just like the Cookbook.


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