new users

Edwin Gore edgore at
Fri Jul 18 16:23:00 EDT 2003


I can't agree enough. I've found the list to be a very welcoming place (just don't include anyone's email in a response...). Though I do have lots of previous Hyper & Supercard experience, Revolution is still very new to me and I have found the people on the list to be very helpful, though their level of knowledge and experiance can be intimidating. My advice is just jump in and ask questions - don't worry about the level of the question you are asking. In fact, I love it when somebody asks an easy, beginner type question - those are the kind I can help out with!

Edwin Gore

>----- ------- Original Message ------- -----
>From: Stephen Messimer
>To: use-revolution at
>Sent: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 16:50:09
>Ryno and John,
>Well guys welcome to the list.  There are a lot of
>us older types here. 
>  While I am not quite as "advanced" as you, I am
>getting up there as 
>(55).	:-)
>I have been around on the list for some time now. 
>I have always gotten 
>great advice from others here and have asked my
>share of boneheaded 
>questions.  In every case the listas have been both
>understanding and 
>very generous with their remarks and advice.
>Don't be concerned about the fact that there are
>some really brilliant 
>programmers lurking around here.  They have been up
>the same path.  
>They just walked it before you.  The interesting
>thing about most of 
>them is that they are more than happy to help you
>with pretty much any 
>question you may have.

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