Rev 2.02/New pricing

Wolfgang M. Bereuter wmb at
Fri Jul 18 12:35:01 EDT 2003

On Friday, Jul 18, 2003, at 17:08 Europe/Vienna, Vikram Singh wrote:

> Why dont you revert to the old policy? Show confidence that the 
> product will
> sell at a decent price. Name your price. It is a premium product. So 
> say it.
> It is pretty jazzed up now. And for the 'hobbyist' she/he always has 
> the
> option of the free version. Do 75 dollars 'hobbyists' exist, maybe 
> somewhere.
> Eliminate this option altogether, IMHO. Or eliminate the screen. Or 
> raise the
> price, closer to the Studio price.

> Regards
> Vikram
> ===== Original Message From Geoff Canyon <gcanyon at> 
> =====
> Anyone who doesn't want the exit screen has merely to purchase the
> Studio or Enterprise license, neither of which includes it.
> The exit screen is part of the bargain when you get Revolution for
> (currently) $75.

Agree with Vikram!!

Geoff, dont forget that this $75 bargain is over before the the 30 day 
trial period. And then you have to pay the full price for watching the 
Sony Logo all the time...

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

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INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
..............................., wmb at
Tel: ++43/1/ 961 0418, Fax: ++43/1/ 479 2539

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