Disappearing substack...

erik hansen erikhans08 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 16 16:23:00 EDT 2003

--- Richard Gaskin <ambassador at fourthworld.com>
> This reminds me of a habit I use that may be
> useful to others:
> Stacks have bth a name and a title property. 
> When the title is empty, the
> stack title is drawn with an asterisk (or
> followed by the card number if
> more than one card).  To regain control over
> the appearance of the window
> title I almost always use the stack's title
> property, which has one other
> advantage:  I can now name the stack anything I
> want without affecting its
> appearance.
> Since stack names are used for identification,
> and because they can cause
> conflicts when other stacks are present with
> the same name, I've found it
> useful to use descriptive abbreviations for
> stack names, things like
> "wmProgress" for the WebMerge progress window. 
> This makes it easy to
> identify in a stack listing tool and is far
> less likely to run into name
> space conflicts.

with buttons you have name and label.
you can label a button "60" and name it "b60"
avoiding any confusion with the sixtieth btn.


erik at erikhansen.org    http://www.erikhansen.org

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