hypertext and "hand" cursor

Howard Bornstein bornstein at designeq.com
Tue Jul 15 23:23:01 EDT 2003

>on mouseEnter
>   if the textStyle of the target = "link" then
>     set the cursor to hand
>     lock cursor
>   end if
>   pass mouseEnter
>end mouseEnter
>on mouseLeave
>    if the textStyle of the target = "link" then
>     set the cursor to the defaultCursor
>     unlock cursor
>   end if
>   pass mouseLeave
>end mouseLeave

I have hyperlinks in many fields throughout my applications, so rather 
than putting these handlers in every field, I use one handler in the 
stack script:

on checkforLink
  if the mousechunk contains "field" then
    if the textstyle of the mousechunk = "Link" then
      set the cursor to hand
      lock cursor
      set the cursor to arrow
      lock cursor
    end if
  end if
  send CheckforLink to me in 30 ticks
end checkforLink


Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N  E Q

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