corrupted data stack?

Alex Rice alrice at
Mon Jul 14 18:14:00 EDT 2003

I have a data stack which has lots of duplicate keys in it's custom 
properties. Since custom properties are arrays, does that mean this 
stack is corrupted? This script reveals many, many duplicate keys:

set the customPropertySet of stack "UserData.rev" to "VisitorFacility"
put customProperties["VisitorFacility"] of stack "UserData.rev" into 
put the keys of tArr into tFu
-- OR
-- (this also shows the same list w/ many duplicate keys)
-- put the customKeys of stack "UserData.rev" into tFu
sort lines of tFu
put tFu

Is it corrupted, and how can I repair this stack?

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

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