DB examples corrupted? and other questions

Pierre Sahores psahores at easynet.fr
Sat Jul 12 20:46:00 EDT 2003

On Sun, 2003-07-13 at 03:17, David Vaughan wrote:
> Apropos these discussions about databases, I downloaded Tuviah's 
> DBExamples to have a look at Valentina but attempting to open either of 
> the two examples provided produced the error "unable to open - stack 
> corrupted" (more or less).

It's always better to gzip stacks before down/uploading them. Do anyone
know if Tuviah plan to do the same work for PostgreSQL, he did for MySQL
? I would be very interested :-)
> Are these examples known to be working? I have Rev 2.0.1
> Is anyone planning to write a wrapper for SQLite to be used with Rev. 
> Clearly, I am not but would be interested in using it.

Andu (Novag) use extensively SQLite beside MC apps. Ask him directly
about this.
> Of the various DB options for OS X, it appears from a quick scan that:
> - mySQL is free, fast and not overly friendly to manage
> - PostGRE is free, not as fast but more complete an implementation than 
> mySQL
> - Valentina is damned expensive for one user on one machine with no 
> intention to sell, but very fast (and Tuviah advocates it for 
> single-user databases)
> - SDB is free, rev-speed and a unique DB language (yes, I know there is 
> nothing attractive about SQL anyway)
> - ...and of course I could just do it in Rev as my DB size, while not 
> very small, does not push limits (<10,000 records, <10MB).
> My need is for speed followed by simplicity of use. The design looks 
> like three principal tables in the DB and considerable use of live 
> searching (e.g. for each keydown) to link data.
> Any experiences or commentary welcome.
> regards
> David
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Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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