Can Rev be used as server database?

Alex Rice alrice at
Fri Jul 11 15:07:00 EDT 2003

On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 01:35  PM, RGould8 at wrote:

> I've used Revolution to create apps on the Mac, but I've not tried any 
> server-related features of Revolution - - - can anyone tell me if 
> Revolution could be used to create an app that runs on a Mac OS X 
> server that pulls in data off of fields on a web-page served by the 
> Mac OS X server performs actions based on that data? 
> For instance, if I wanted to create a server app that prompts the user 
> to enter information into fields and then saves that data into text 
> files on the server hard-drive, would that be a job for Revolution, or 
> for PHP or Filemaker Pro, or something else entirely?

I would do it with Dreamweaver + Phakt/PHP + PostgreSQL or MySQL.  
That's just my preference though.

If you know revolution then it might be best for you to use it for the 
task. Pick up any book on CGI and HTTP web programming to get the 
basics of GET, POST, and form submissions.

You will have to work around the issue of locking the data stack or 
text file as simultaneous CGI processes try to access the same file. 
Imagine multiple instances of your script running at once, all trying 
to access the same resource.  Using a client-server database (like 
mysql) instead of a data stack or text file solves this for you.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

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