Standalone crashes on exit

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Thu Jul 10 00:43:01 EDT 2003

--- Roger.E.Eller at wrote:
> I have just built my first app using Rev 2.0.1 (as
> returned by 
> revAppVersion). My stack contains 2 small sub-stacks
> that are used for 
> input/error dialogs. Each of them has an OK button
> that contains "close 
> this stack". If I launch my standalone and
> immediately quit it, the exit 
> is peaceful. However if any of the sub-stacks have
> been opened and closed, 
> when I exit the main stack via "close this stack" it
> has a system level 
> error. On Win2000 the error is "The instruction at
> 0x004a93cd referenced 
> memory at 0x00002f04. The memory could not be read."
> On Mac OS X, the 
> error is "The application has unexpectedly quit."
> Any ideas of how to 
> prevent this behavior?
> Kind Regards,
> Roger Eller

What happens when you insert this in your stack
  on closeStack
    if the target is me then quit
  end closeStack

Another thing to check : is it possible that there are
still pending messages when the stack is closed ?

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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