Equivalence to the SuperCard function call "via" object

Joeri Paeleman paeleman at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 9 03:06:01 EDT 2003

This was the script which gave an error:

on mouseUp
  put "Hello Ken Ray" into tMyVar -- HERE IS THE MODIFICATION !!!!!!!!!
  put "Goodbye" into tAnotherVar
  answer value("getSomeData(1,the date," & tMyVar & "," & tAnotherVar 
&")",btn 2)
end mouseUp

I think the problem lies in "Hello Ken Ray", since it makes the script 
evaluate the following line:
getSomeData(1,the date, Hello Ken Ray, Goodbye)

It should work like this:
answer value("getSomeData(1,the date," & quote & tMyVar & quote & "," & 
quote & tAnotherVar & quote & ")",btn 2)
(Which would become:
getSomeData(1,the date,"Hello Ken Ray","Goodbye")

Goodbye doesn't need to be quoted, since it consists of one word (and 
Revolution appears to assume that it is a string if it can't find another 
use for it), so the previously posted script worked fine.

Hope this helps.

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