Can I draw a line (or better any polygon) directly on screen?

Ken Norris pixelbird at
Tue Jul 8 12:21:01 EDT 2003


> Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 02:24:18 -0700
> Subject: Re: Can I draw a line (or better any polygon) directly on screen?
> From: Richard Gaskin <ambassador at>

> As a workaround you could fake it by capturing the screen with the import
> command and have the drawing take place in a window containing the capture
> image sized to the rect of the monitor.
Or capture an image of the two stacks and make a substack with this image
with no decorations. Position it exactly over the original stacks. This will
make the fake _look_ like the two stacks.

Either way should work.

Then just animate the mousemove/control connecting line.

When finished, just hide the "fake" windows substack.

BTW, what do polygons have to do with your query?

Ken N.

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