Open driver?

Dar Scott dsc at
Mon Jul 7 15:25:00 EDT 2003

On Sunday, July 6, 2003, at 03:27 AM, Christoph Pastl wrote:

> How can I connect to my virtual serial port?

 From the TD on "open file":

> You can use the open file command to open a serial port on Mac OS or 
> Windows systems. On Mac OS systems, specify either “printer:” or 
> ”modem:“. On Windows systems, specify either “COM1:”, “COM2:”, or up 
> to “COM9:”. Set the serialControlString property before opening the 
> port to specify the baud rate and other settings.

 From the TD on "printer:":

> To use the modem port on Mac OS systems, use the modem: keyword. 
> (Revolution does not support additional serial ports.) To use serial 
> ports on Windows systems, use the COM1: through COM9: keywords.

 From the TD on "open driver":

> Changes to Transcript:
> Support for using serial drivers with OS X systems was added in 
> version 2.0.

I think this says that you can't open your serial port on Mac OS 9, 
though I think you have a chance if you can convince it to look like 
the printer port.

Dar Scott

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