Stack jumps from top level to palette

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Sun Jul 6 16:42:00 EDT 2003

At 6:04 AM -0700 7/6/03, Jim Hurley wrote:
>But I thought I would first follow your advice literally and so I set
>the style to toplevel in the message box. Eureka! This time it stuck.
>It turns out that using the menu palette is ephemeral. It only
>changes the mode temporarily. The mode reverts back to palette after
>command 3 to go to the next card.

The contextual menu doesn't set the style property; it uses the commands
(toplevel, modeless, modal, palette) to redisplay the window in the desired
style. (It assumes you want to make a temporary change for editing, not to
lock the stack to a particular style.)

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought

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