Picture in a field?

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 5 23:34:01 EDT 2003

--- François Cuneo <francois.cuneo at cuk.ch> wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> I know, I'm very dummy!
> But is it an object in Revolution where is it
> possible to paste text and
> pictures?
> I want to paste a text and some illustrations in the
> text, all in a field
> (or other object).
> What may I do?
> Thank you
> François
> -------------- 
> François Cuneo

Bonjour François,

First of all, don't orry about asking quesions. It's
better to ask them and get answers than sit back and
do nothing, or worse, claiming it can't be done.

That being said, you can indeed insert images into
fields, but copy+paste is a different ballpark (though
not impossible).

To insert an image into a field, you have to set the
'imageSource' of a chunk in that field ; however, the
image will replace that chunk on display.
Example :
  set the imageSource of char 1 of line 3 of \
      field "foo" to 210095
will replace char 1 of line 3 with the small
RuntimeRevolution logo.

You can set the imageSource to the name of an image
you imported earlier, or even a URL ; check the
Transcript Dictionary for more info.

As for copy+pasting the text with images into a
Revolution field : you may have some luck with the
'clipboardData' property, but I think you'd have
better luck with some form of import.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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