More Unicode woes

Kjetil Rå Hauge k.r.hauge at
Fri Jul 4 15:54:00 EDT 2003

>From: Toma Tasovac <ttasovac at Princeton.EDU>

>try this:
>put the unicodeText of fld "text" into tText
>put uniDecode (tText,"utf8") into url "file:mysavedtext.txt"
>it works for me -- at least with cyrillic.  opens correctly in bbedit
>if you tell bbedit to open it as utf8, but not if you try to open it
>with auto-detect.

Thanks a lot, this did the trick - at least with Cyrillic, Greek and 
Turkish. I hope that RunRev will add this to the "recipe" collection 
in their documentation. CE fonts, however, still are interpreted as 
--- Kjetil Rå Hauge, U. of Oslo. Tel. +47/22856710, fax +47/22854140
--- (this msg sent from home, +47/67148424, fax +1/5084372444)

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