Maximum variable size?

Edwin Gore edgore at
Wed Jul 2 18:09:00 EDT 2003

Curious - is anyone aware of a limit on the size of a variable in RunRev? I didn't see anything in the limitations section of the docs...

I ask because I have a function that goes through and replaces a whole bunch of stuff in a variable ie:

Function replaceStuff
replace "wordA" with VariableA in VariableZ
replace "wordC" with VariableC in VariableZ
replace "wordX" with VariableX in VariableZ
end ReplaceSTuff

When I hit the last line of this function, I get a system crash, and revolution quits out.

VariableZ is about 140K and variableX is about 170K

What's interesting, is that in the case that crashes reliably (as in everytime) VariableZ does not contain wordX

Any ideas? I figure that the next thing I will try, just to troubleshoot, is plopping VariableZ into field "Z" and doing the replace on that instead, since fields are unlimited...

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