use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #1560 - 8 msgs

Jim Hurley jhurley at
Wed Jul 2 15:23:00 EDT 2003

>Message: 8
>Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 10:49:44 -0600
>Subject: Re: More send in time
>From: Dar Scott <dsc at>
>To: use-revolution at
>Reply-To: use-revolution at
>At the risk of being sacrilegious...
>Maybe we are being too strict on this mouse thing.
>The meaning of "the mouse" has changed with Revolution 2.0 to what one
>might expect and is easier to use in loops.
>The use of "the mouse" in a loop is blocking in three senses.  It
>blocks that handler, of course.  It blocks one's entire application--
>no downloading, no handler driven game motion, no serial I/O and so on.
>   And, most important in my mind, it blocks design opportunity.
>Given that #2 is a simply a strong admonition and #1 opens up some
>doors, maybe we can lighten up on this.
>Or is there a #3?
>Dar Scott

I am curious about this change in the meaning of "the mouse" in Run Rev 2.0

In the past the following staple from HC:

on mouseDown
   repeat while the mouse is down
     set the loc of me to the mouseLoc
   end repeat
end mouseDown

was not only frowned upon because it exhausted the CPU,  but, at 
least on the Mac, there was an intermittent bug in the engine which 
caused the mouse to stick to the button even after a MouseUp.
Is the bug gone?

Is there some way in  which we can experiment with Mouse down, 
mouseClick etc. to see  how a handler consumes CPU time using the 
ability of the debugger in RR 2.0 to display messages? For example I 
was curious to see how mouseclick compared with mouse is down.


P.S. Another item to add to the tips that have been circulating--at 
least for the Mac. I suspect others have had my frustration in 
looking for that little gem of a handler that lies buried in a 
forgotten stack. It turns out that Sherlock inventories Run Rev (as 
well as  MC and HC) scripts. Just search *the contents* of your drive 
files for some key word from that old gem and it should come up. 
(Sort by kind to cluster the results.)

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