Displaying two cards in different windows

Jim Witte jswitte at bloomington.in.us
Wed Jan 29 00:32:01 EST 2003


   I'm doing an apparent motion laboratory application in Revolution 
(which I'll probably end up doing it in Revolution, Java, AND Cocoa 
just for the heck of it - it is what the prof is having me do for the 
final project in the experimental methods class - I don't want it to 
see *too* easy!).  Anyway, It needs to switch to images back and forth 
at a preset interval.

   Currently, I've got the switching set up by alternatively going to 
one of two cards in a stack.  But can I let the user view (and edit) 
both of these cards at once, to create graphic objects ('open cd ## in 
new window'?)?  Or is there another way I can do this (take a snapshot 
of each frame and then swap them into an image object, or using the 
Animation Manager? (Animation Manager seems a bit of overkill for just 
two or three frames)

Jim Witte
jswitte at blomington.in.us
Indiana University Cogntivie Science

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