Mac Standalone works, Windows doesn't mystery.....

Dar Scott dsc at
Sun Jan 26 13:27:01 EST 2003

On Saturday, January 25, 2003, at 02:00 PM, DVGlasgow at wrote:

>  Is there any obvious reason why this snippet would work in the 
> development
> environment and in a fat mac build, but not in a Windows build (built 
> on the
> Mac)? Button "continue" never gets enabled in the Windows standalone.

Not obvious to me.  Two possibilities come to my mind.  You might be 
enabling some other button.  You might have an error that is not 

I have seen problems related to the defaultStack.  This might be 

Try this to get more info:  Add a temporary field or use one you have 
to report some info.  Put a try around the command and report any 
thrown errors.  Report topStack, defaultStack, the name of this card 
and the owner of the button and anything else you can think of.  Report 
just before and just after the enable.

Also, I always get mixed up as to whether a directory string has a 
slash at the end or not.  Might as well add that to your report.

Dar Scott

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