Undocumented image problem 2

Howard Bornstein bornstein at designeq.com
Thu Jan 23 22:35:01 EST 2003

>The standalone that was spun off for Mac OS 9 did not show
>jpegs either in OS 9 or within the Classic emulation
>environment in Mac OS X.


I've run into a problem where jpegs created in photoshop don't appear 
when imported into Rev. Rev shows it has the file, there's a prop palette 
for it, but the image simple doesn't show up. This has only happened a 
few times and I don't know what is specific about these jpegs that cause 
it to happen.

In my case, I solved the problem by opening the jpeg in GraphicsConverter 
and resaved as a jpeg. Then the image would appear properly within Rev 
after importing.

I don't know if this is at all related to your problem (since you seem to 
imply that the images work fine in the IDE when not off a CD), but I 
thought I'd mention it.


Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N  E Q

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