Player Controller

Klaus Major k_major at
Sat Jan 18 07:21:01 EST 2003

Hi Jez,

> I am using a quicktime player object to play mp3 songs. I like the  
> "Show Controller" functionality but I want to maintain my own buttons  
> and have the controller ONLY show the time bar (and allow this to be  
> used), Can this be done (ie. to suppress the buttons on the default  
> controller) ?  If not is it possible to implement my own controller  
> bar that shows the amount of time elapsed and to allow the user to  
> drag this ? Some guidance appreciated :)

Unfortunately you can have the controller only as a whole
"piece of meat" or not at all.

(Although sometimes QT does not redraw the screen correctly
so that only the time bar is visible, but that's another story ;-)

But don't panic :-)

You can check this URL (lots of tutorial stacks!) : 

Scroll down the page until you see this:

Custom Controller for Players v1.0

and download this tiny stack.

There you will find many answers :-)

Feel free to contact me (offlist, if you like) for further info or  

Have a nice weekend...


Klaus Major
k_major at

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