path of a 'closeStackRequest'

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Jan 16 14:31:00 EST 2003

Graham Samuel wrote:

> Thanks to all who replied: I think I know where I am now. Pity there
> is no clear documentation of the message path... still there are so
> many helpful people on this list that I guess it doesn't matter all
> that much.

It matters enough to be documented.  Thinking as someone who would be coming
from a strong SuperCard background such as yourself, I found the answer
following this path:

1. Select "Revolution Documentation" from the Help menu.
2. Click "For New Developers"
3. Click "Experienced HyperCard or SuperCard developer"
4. Click "About Revolution for SuperCard Developers"
   - it's in the section titled "stacks, projects, and windows":

  "Like a project, the mainstack is in the message path
   of all objects in the substacks."

Another route:

1. Select "Revolution Documentation" from the Help menu.
2. Click "Development Guide"
3. Click "Objects & Messages"
4. Click "About Messages and the Message Path"
   - in the section near the top titled "The Object Hierarchy
   and the Message Path"

And one more:

1. Select "Revolution Documentation" from the Help menu.
2. Click "Troubleshooting"
3. Click "Why does an unwanted handler run?"
   The example given specifically deals with cases in which
   a substack is affected by a handler in a mainstack.

While far short of a Vulcan mind meld, Jeanne's documentation is pretty
good, certainly more thorough than is often given credit. :)

Having jumped from HyperCard to SuperCard to OMO to Gain to ToolBook to
MetaCard to Rev, with the exception of ToolBook's sorely under-documented
libraries and completely undocumented boot sequence (the most complicated
I've seen, with a long series of DLL and library calls; it may be documented
now after I sent them a detailed description for v6, but for $2,495 one
could expect not to sleuth through such things), I can honestly suggest that
a good cover-to-cover skim through the docs of a new environment will pay
for itself many times over.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.1: Publish any database on any site
 Ambassador at
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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