htmltext and Rev1.1.1

Howard Bornstein bornstein at
Wed Jan 15 12:34:01 EST 2003

>I suspect that Rev2.0 provides a way to directly edit a field's htmlText.  
>In the meantime, has a utility been written to do this with Rev1.1.1?  I 
>could make one myself, but I thought I'd see if something already exists 

You can use Chipp Walter's HTMLbuilder plugin to directly edit and modify 
HTML text. If you want to do it entiredly within Rev, simply type "put 
the htmltext of fld "fieldWithFormattedText" into fld "fieldWithHTMLcode"

The second field will now contain the content of the first field as 
encoded HTML, which you can edit directly. To put the edited text back 
into the original field as formatted text, use "set the htmltext of fld 
"fieldWithFormattedText" to the text of fld "fieldWithHTMLcode".


Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N  E Q

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