FTP progress bar

Vikram Singh vikramsingh at mailandnews.com
Fri Jan 10 14:49:01 EST 2003

The new library provides a hook into the url status with the function
libUrlSetStatusCallback. You dont need to poll for url status (with
urlstatus), it updates itself and sends any message you desire.

You can try this button script:

on mouseUp
 put url "binfile:test.txt" into url "ftp://un:pw@whatever.net"
 libUrlSetStatusCallback "urlCallback", (the long id of this button)
end mouseUp

on urlCallback pUrl, pStatus
put pstatus into fld status
..manipulate the thumbposition of the scrollbar...
if "loading" is item 1 of pstatus then set the thumbpos of sb 1 to (item 2
of pstatus/item 3 of pstatus)*(the endvalue of sb 1-startvalue of sb 1)

end urlCallback

Though i havent tested it, it should hopefully work. See the liburl docs
(for new features) in the runrev site for more...


----- Original Message -----
> Does anyone have a script or stack which demonstrates how to show FTP
> progress using a progress bar?
> I am looking for an example in its simplest form. Thanks.
> Roger Eller
> roger.e.eller at sealedair.com

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