Timing (was wordOffset, repeat loop, speed?

Glasgow, David David.Glasgow at cstone-tr.nwest.nhs.uk
Mon Jan 6 10:03:01 EST 2003

I think this was Ken Ray.....

 >Hey Mark,
 >I've worked a long time in Director, so I know what you mean. 
 >You can get
 >"the ticks", but Rev works better in milliseconds. 

This is interesting because I have long used ticks since reading a paper somewhere on HyperCard timing which said that you could just about justify assuming a system resolution of 100ths of a second.  Anything more and you are just generating spurious 'accuracy'. 

A colleague did some real world tests for me using VB and an external timer ( before I discovered Metacard) and found the situation was worse under Windows.  It was a while ago, but he found that the system drifted off to do bits of housekeeping, came back and as far as the clock was concerned pretended nothing had happened.  If the drifting off occurred during a timing epoch, it came out considerably shorter than it should.

It may be that things have moved along a bit, or I am getting something wrong ....I'd be interested in any comments.

Best wishes

David Glasgow

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