Thumbnail of JPEG's photos

yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Mon Jan 6 04:50:01 EST 2003


I posted a message without answer.
can someone help me please ??


I'd like to show photo's in a fld
the user chooses a folder with jpegs photos (on Mac OS X)
thet's the script :

on mouseUp
    answer folder "Choose the folder..."
    if it is empty then exit to top
    put it into tPathDossier
    put the defaultFolder into savedDefaultFolder
    set the defaultFolder to tPathDossier
    put the files into tFilesNames
    answer tFilesNames
    --delete line 1 of tFilesNames
    put the number of lines of tFilesNames into totLines
    put "1" into a
    put empty into tChars
    repeat totLines
      put a after tChars
      add "1" to a
    end repeat
    delete last char of tChars
    put tChars into fld "myThumbs"
    put "1" into a
    repeat for each line L in tFilesNames
      put the defaultFolder&"/"&L into tImagePath
      set the imagesource of char a of fld "myThumbs" to
      add "1" to a
    end repeat
    set the defaultFolder to savedDefaultFolder
end mouseUp

In the fld I get :

"123"  -- it is the number of files (3) in the chosen folder !!!

What is wrong ??



Email : yvescoppe at
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