Shrink Image quickly

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami katir at
Mon Jan 6 01:11:01 EST 2003

In theory the following script should shrink an image 280 pixels wide 
in under 1 second... but it takes forever... 3-4 seconds.  Even setting 
the "send in' down to 1 millisecond doesn't speed it up up... a 
threshold is reached at about 20 ticks where setting it any lower does 
not speed up the event at all...  Goal is: shrink and image while is is 
moving along a path, smoothly, quickly.

local imageRect
on mouseup
   put the rect of image "shrinkTest" into imageRect
   put imageRect
end mouseup

on Shrinking
   put the width of img "shrinkTest" into x
   if x = 20 then
     exit Shrinking
   end if
   put the height of image "shrinkTest" into y
   set the width of image "shrinkTest" to  (x - 1)
   set the height of image "shrinkTest" to  (y - 1)
   send "Shrinking" to me in 1  milliseconds
end Shrinking

on restoreSize
set the rect of image "Shrink Test" to imageRect
end restoreSize

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