2 more menubar questions

Howard Bornstein bornstein at designeq.com
Thu Jan 2 16:03:01 EST 2003

>However only one menubar will display up top, while the other appears in the
>window. The Set As Menubar in Mac OS checkbox does not stick for both menus,
>only one or the other.

Hi Mark,

Try this from the message box. For the menu that won't appear in the 
Mac's menubar, type in "set the defaultMenuBar to <your menubar name>" 
(Don't specify it by it's object. For example, type <set the 
defaultMenuBar to "Menubar 1"> not <set the defaultMenuBar to group 
"Menubar 1">

You may have to add this statement in your script for each menu you want 
shown in the Mac menu space.

> An approximately 4 pixel gray band has appeared at the top of my window
>when displaying a menubar group in the window ala Windows.  It never was
>there before, and it won't go away unless the menubar goes up top, ala the
>Mac scheme of menus.

I had a similar situation which may or may not be the same as yours. I 
added an image to my stack to act as a background color. But the image 
wasn't big enough to cover the entire stack when in "windows" menu mode 
because the stack became 22 pixels taller. In your case, it sounds like 
you need to increase the height of this image by 4 pixels. When you click 
on the "gray band" you're actually clicking on the card, thus the card 
property palette. Try clicking below the gray band and see if you get an 
image object. If so, just stretch it up a bit and you'll be ok.


Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N  E Q

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