Type 2 & 3 errors

Howard Bornstein bornstein at designeq.com
Fri Feb 28 07:22:00 EST 2003

>Though they may seem chaotic, computers are ultimately deterministic
>systems, meaning simply that the same actions will produce the same result.
>Once we can determine the difference between actions that trigger the crash
>and those that don't, the issue will likely become resolvable.

Of course, that asssumes reliable functioning of the computer. I remember 
spending an entire day trying to find out why my friend's Mac kept 
crashing (of course we suspected extension conflicts). After trying every 
possible variation and not coming up with a pattern, I suggested that she 
had a hardware (most likely memory) problem. We took it into the shop, 
swapped out a bank of bad memory, and voila, no more crashes!

Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N  E Q

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