newbies: beware script locals

David Vaughan dvk at
Wed Feb 26 22:30:01 EST 2003

>> From: erik hansen <erikhans08 at> wrote:
>> Through use of custom props, script
>> locals and ordinary variables, I have been able
>> to relegate globals to very rare usage,
> when would you use "ordinary variables" instead
> of "script locals"?
>> when you actually want a non-persistent
> entirely
>> global variable. Rev is quite rich in scoping
>> and persistence options.
> "persistence" as a programming term is a new one
> for me. how would a global variable non-persist?

Perhaps I used some casual expression. By "ordinary variables" I meant 
those whose whose scope was a single handler (declared or first used 
within it) rather than "script locals" which are declared within a 
script but outside handlers, thus giving them a script-wide scope and 
session persistence - they retain their value until the application is 
closed or the script recompiled.

A global variable nominally has script-wide scope but is also available 
in any other script in which it is also declared, affording it 
application-wide scope. A global has session persistence only, like a 
script local, where a custom property persists through a stack close 
(with save if changed)) and re-open. A custom property can be tied by 
definition to various objects from a control to a stack, which 
nominally suggests an intended scope but in practice they can be 
referenced from anywhere. without any other declaration.

Hope this clarifies my meaning.

> =====
> erik at

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