Why... is the selected text deselected?

Ken Norris (dialup) pixelbird at interisland.net
Thu Feb 20 03:32:01 EST 2003

> Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:50:11 -0700
> Subject: Re: Why... is the selected text deselected?
> From: Alex Rice <alrice at arcplanning.com>

> On Wednesday, February 19, 2003, at 10:35  AM, Ken Norris (dialup)
> wrote:
>> Is there a reason you can't have the backgroundBehavior true?. It
>> should
>> work under those conditions, or else it wouldn't be compatible with HC.
> Either I'm not following you, or it doesn't work. I grouped by field,
> set backgroundBehavior to true, turned of messages, then moved forward
> a card, then back, and my selection was gone.
OK, let me try it in Rev, then I'll make a single bg shared text list field
in an HC stack and translate the stack into Rev and see what it does. I just
checked it several hours ago in HyperCard, and it works fine. In fact the
field I checked, even though a selectable shared text one, is even more
customized with voice feedback. Further, I not only navigated back and forth
through several cards, but I even made new cards and deleted cards, none of
which deselected the line in the field. I could still access it with:

  put the selectedText of bg fld "CommonWords"

...returned the contents of the line to the Message box, even after all that

I'll let you know tomorrow...that is if I can work Rev without it quitting
on a type 2 error on my old PowerBook (happened 4 times yesterday), which I
just defragged.
>> A totally different approach: Put the field into a palette or other
>> floating
>> window. Selections seem to stick from card to card until you select
>> something else.
> I'm not following you. Does this have to do with the window decoration
> you select in the stack properties?
It was just an idea I floated. I'll have to check into it further.

Best regards,
Ken N.

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