mp3 files and the player object

Chris Sheffield cm_sheffield at
Wed Feb 19 15:42:00 EST 2003

Thanks for the info.  The user does have to be able to
stop playback.  So I definitely need to consider that.
 If the user does stop playback, everything will
basically reset itself and start from the beginning
with the first sound file and first sentence.  I will
take a closer look at Klaus' example.

--- Jim Lambert <jiml at> wrote:
> <    wait (the duration of player "myPlayer" / the
> timeScale of player "myPlayer") seconds>
> This works and that's most important, but...
> Everything, including user interaction, suspends
> while the sound is playing,
> thus preventing the user from stopping the sound in
> midplay. If these sounds
> are brief you can probably 'get away' with that, but
> it's friendlier to
> leave control to the user. Klaus' SEND example
> allows for interruption
> during and between sound plays.
> I wonder why playstopped isn't 100% reliable.
> Jim Lambert
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