Arabic, CE and ME versions...

Alex Rice alrice at
Tue Feb 18 18:45:01 EST 2003

On Thursday, January 9, 2003, at 02:46  AM, tkuypers at wrote:

> ...
>   - How does RR interact with foreign Windows systems, like Arabic
>     (reading and typing from right to left) and has anyone tested
>     something like this in RR?
>   - Since RR doesn't support VB-commands (the reason for choosing
>     not doing this, would be very welcome...) we need a way to
>     send commands and data to a stack from FileMaker.
>     I guess the only way to do this is using the DDE-external? I
>     don't seem to get this working from FileMaker, any help is 
> welcome...
>     (Going from FMP to RR would be done through DDE, from RR to
>     FileMaker would be done through VB and the shell command.)
> ...

> Typing this, I really, really wonder why there is no support for Visual
> Basic and VBA, because the majority of programs have API's for this 
> language
> on the windows platform. I use Applescripting on the mac, but have to 
> twist
> myself into very strange curves to do simular things on Windows...
> Any help and/or advice is welcome :-)

How about more questions... :-) my employer uses Excel for most 
everything. So naturally I'm looking at ways to communicate between Rev 
and Excel.

Correct me if I'm wrong, it looks like there is no cross-platform 
solution. On Mac OS the preferred way would be to use the Applescript 
API for Excel, and on Windows the preferred way would be to use the DDE 

Now, the Applescript API for Excel looks like it's more or less the 
same classes and events as the VBA interface... what about the DDE 
interface? Do DDE "commands" and "topics" have anything in common with 
the VBA and Applescript APIs?

BTW, one of RunRev's competitors wrote a VBA-like MS Office automation 
plugin and it was horrendously unstable- on Mac. So, in a way, I think 
it would be better to use the most-solid method on Mac and Windows, 
even if they are different methods of access.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at
alrice at

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