Referenced icon images

Klaus Major k_major at
Mon Feb 17 15:59:01 EST 2003

Hi Ken,

> Hi list,
> I've been following the image threads, but some of it evades me.
> Please bear with a newbie on this stuff.
> I have a button (there may be at up to 14 more of these) which does 
> icon
> hiliting using referenced images.  Pretty normal so far.
> When I first brought in the referenced images from a folder, they show 
> up in
> the middle. When the button calls them as icons by their ID's (show 
> icon:
> selections), they show and hilite properly, but the images remain onthe
> screen. I guess this means icons must be copies of the images, not the
> images themselves.

Icons ARE the images! It is just that they are displayed inside of 
in addition to their original image-objects.

> I just hid the images to get them off the screen, and the button icons 
> still
> work OK, but that doesn't feel like the right thing to do.

Don't panic, no need for scruples ;-)

It is totally OK to hide these images or even move them off-screen.

No eternal damnation or stuff ;-)

> My question is: What should I do with the referenced images?

Just like you did...

> If I clear them, are the button icons supposed to remain?

No original image = no icon of that image in a button

> TIA,
> Ken N.

Hope that helps.


Klaus Major
k_major at

Big fun!!!

The company i am currently working for got its bankrupt's certificate 
on friday :-(

So if you might need a good scripter to help you out or someone who can 
this RR stuff drop a line.

But please remember, Richmond was first ;-)

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