
runrev at runrev at
Fri Feb 14 17:20:01 EST 2003

When doing it that way on WinMe, it has to launch a dos window first, then
launches the associated application and file.  While it does work, it just
doesn't seem "clean" to me.  I think I'll just write/compile a small Delphi
app and include with my pub to accomplish this and a few other things.


----- Original Message -----
From: <miscdas at>
To: <use-revolution at>
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: launch

> runrev at writes:
> > Hi all, I am looking for a command that launches a file with the
associated application set by Windows.  Using the Launch command wants the
application name along with the file name, and using revGoUrl launches it in
the web browser along with the hel
> per app.  I simply want to mimic a double click on a file name and let the
op system associate the app with the extension.
> >
> > Thanks again.
> >
>  ------------------------
> This works on WIN XP PRO, MC 2.4.3
> You supply the full path and file name, and if the file type associations
> are set, the associated app is launced and the file opens.
> In this example, Notepad launches and opens the specified text file, then
> bowser (IE) is launched and the HTML doc is opened.
> on mouseUp
>    get shell ("start C:\ZinioInstall.txt")
>    get shell ("start C:\TheCompleteRegularExpressionGuide.htm")
> end mouseUp
> miscdas
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