How do I use customProperties

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Wed Feb 12 13:03:01 EST 2003

On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 20:04:14 -0800 "Jeanne A. E. DeVoto" 
<jeanne at> wrote:
>Graham, have you read the "About properties, custom properties, and
>property sets" topic in the documentation? I think it might answer some of
>your questions in this area.

Jeanne, thanks for your interest: I did you an injustice. I have to 
admit that I read this at the beginning of my work with Revolution 
and then didn't look at it again. If I had, I would have known about 
the 'customKeys' property. There were only a few things I have wanted 
to know (so far) which aren't in that article, and I found them by 

1. Do I get an error if I try to access a property that doesn't 
exist, or is perhaps the new property created, as it is with 'set'? 
The answer is "no" and "no", and furthermore no 'getProp' message is 
sent, but if the non-existent property is part of an assignment 
statement, like

   get the myMysteryProperty of grc "gr1"

the variable (in this case 'it') becomes empty.

2.What kind of list do you get from the 'customKeys'? The answer is a 
return-separated list (each property name is on a different line).

          Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France

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