MIDI minders

erik hansen erikhans08 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 12 02:14:01 EST 2003

--- Kurt Kaufman <kkaufman at snet.net> wrote:
> "...i have been exporting my RR songs, then
> "play"ing them in HC. very limited...."
> Hi Erik,
> If what you need is to be able to create actual
> MIDI files, then you 
> might want to look at the MIDI stack that is
> included with RR 2 
> pre-release (will work with RR 1.1.1 also).  It
> does not use the 
> character-based system (that from your message
> I'm assuming is 
> compatible with Hypercard's single-track
> sound-resource resampling), 
> but files so-produced can be easily imported
> into a true sequencer or 
> music notation program, or played in any
> QuickTime- or Windows Media 
> Player- compatible application.

sounds great. there must be a way to turn
play "Hammond B-3" tempo 140 60q...
into a midi event.

erik at erikhansen.org    http://www.erikhansen.org

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