Flash integration - An Answer

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at inspiredlogic.com
Sun Feb 9 16:52:01 EST 2003

Great stuff! I've put this up at:


If anyone has any additions, refinements, comments, etc., you are all 
able to edit the page freely (no login required). Gary, if you don't 
want it there, feel free to delete it.


On Sunday, February 9, 2003, at 03:30 AM, Gary Rathbone wrote:

> OK. When I click on a button in Flash I get a "HelloRev" message in my 
> Rev
> stack. Rev then returns a "HelloFlash" message. So the two can talk to 
> each
> other and pass parameters for parsing and other actions. When I said I 
> was
> no Flash expert I actually meant I'd never used the program, so I'm 
> sure
> there's much more on the Flash side that can be done rather that just
> displaying the Rev response in a browser.
> In Flash I created a button with the following script...
> -----------
> on (press) {
> getURL("$HelloRev$", "_blank");	
> }
> -----------
> I then created a stack with a single button 'Start' and a field 
> 'tfld'. The
> 'Start' button has the following script. This is very similar to the
> Javascript/WebForm/Browser 'integrator' stack previously published.
> -----------
> on mouseup
>   put "" into fld "tfld"
>   get the OpenSockets
>   repeat with c=1 to the number of lines in it
>     close socket (line c of it)
>   end repeat
>   accept connections on port 8181 with message "wRequest"
> end mouseup
> on wRequest skt
>   set the itemdel to "$"
>   set the socketTimeoutInterval to 20000
>   read from socket skt for 1 line
>   put item 2 of it into fld "tfld"
>   write "HelloFlash" to socket skt
>   close socket skt
> end wRequest
> -----------
> So, Rev is 'listening' for a request on port 8181 of IP 
> (which is
> the local machine - you don't need to change this IP address as every 
> (?)
> computer uses this IP address as its own reference - the loopback IP). 
> When
> the Flash button is pressed it sends a request to the Rev stack which 
> parses
> the parameter and puts the result into the field. Rev then returns a 
> string
> which currently appears in a browser window, but I'm sure someone more
> competant in flash could do more with this...
> Hope this helps.
> Regards
> Gary Rathbone


Geoff Canyon
gcanyon at inspiredlogic.com

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