Flash integration
Klaus Major
k_major at os.surf2000.de
Sat Feb 8 07:41:01 EST 2003
Hi Bradley, hi Terry,
> Bradley Borch heeft op zaterdag, 8 feb 2003 om 05:25 het volgende
> geschreven:
>> Flash is capable of sending messages to other programs using two
>> commands:
>> getURL and FScommand. I've gotten both of these to work within
>> JavaScript and
>> Director using Lingo. Any idea how to send commands from Flash to Rev?
> You can run RR on a server as CGI engine and let Flash send its
> commands to that CGI script.
> I'm afraid tighter integration between Flash and RunRev is just as
> impossible as a relationship between miscdas and Judy Perry :-)
There is a possibility to communicate from Flash to MC.
Via QuickTime and using another tool, some QuickTime
authoring tool like LiveSTage Pro...
There you can add a command to a QT/Flash-object that
will send a string "qtdebugstring" that can be trapped in MC.
A script like this in the player-object:
on qtdebugstr thestring
switch thestring
case "aaa"
your_handler_here ## define these handlers somewhere
end qtdebugstr
Works fine, but needs another tool.
I am not sure if this feature is available in Flash itself.
> Terry
Hope this helps a bit.
Klaus Major
k_major at os.surf2000.de
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