Flash integration

Gary Rathbone gary.rathbone at btclick.com
Sat Feb 8 06:31:02 EST 2003

 > > Flash is capable of sending messages to other programs using two
> > commands: getURL and FScommand. I've gotten both of these to work 
> > within JavaScript and Director using Lingo. Any idea how to send 
> > commands from Flash to Rev?
> You can run RR on a server as CGI engine and let Flash send its 
> commands to that CGI script.
> I'm afraid tighter integration between Flash and RunRev is just as 
> impossible as a relationship between miscdas and Judy Perry :-)
> Terry

If Flash can send a getURL command then I don't see why Flash and Rev can't
talk quite happily. I'm no Flash expert will will have a play around and get
back to you...


Gary Rathbone

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