Import MIDI file as movie

Kurt Kaufman kkaufman at
Mon Feb 3 07:52:01 EST 2003

Mr. UDI wrote:
So I tried this:
   answer file "Choose MIDI file"
   if ( it is empty ) then exit mouseUp
   import videoClip from file it
OK, It was surely imported. MIDI data is in stack file.
   play vc 1
Oh, this fails sometimes..."

I'm surprised this ever works at all; I get a short high-pitched squeal 
(why ANY sound?) if I attempt to import a MIDI file as an audioClip, 
and a field full of characters if I import a MIDI file as a videoClip.

Perhaps Kevin or Scott can enlighten me as to RR/MC's ability (?) to 
import MIDI files and play them outside of the Quicktime player object; 
  I didn't know this was possible at all.  If so, what kind of 
underlying mechanism does this use....or is Quicktime invoked "behind 
the scenes" anyway?


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